Automatic Accident Avoidance System (using Alcohol Level Sensor) for Automobiles
Driving under
the influence of alcohol is a problem that has affected countless lives and
properties, like when this drunken driver (the man on black shirt) hits my wife's red car and later ran away. I was motivated to design a system that can assist the police or road safety officers to check over speeding drivers
When a vehicle driver is drunk, the driver will be at higher risk to terminate the lives of the passengers, pedestrians and other people that may be at the roads. There is a serious need to incorporate this project in every vehicles to automatically disable the vehicle engine if the driver is drunk. Another incident of a reckless driving as a result of high influence of alcohol personally affected me and the drunken driver hits my white car below:
Thank God for saving my life and the lives of my family in the vehicle that day. Therefore, for the purpose of safety, this work involves
the design and implementation of a circuit that can be used as an automatic
accident avoidance system (using alcohol level sensor) for automobiles. It can be
installed as an in-built vehicle accident prevention system, recommended for
all vehicle which uses alcohol sensor with programmed micro-controller to
prevent the vehicle engine or ignition from functioning once high rate of
alcohol is detected in the vehicle towards the drivers sit. The project can
assist companies and traffic
police officers to determine whether someone is drunk and is fit to drive or
not. It plays an important role in an effort to reduce
traffic accident cases based on driving under the influence of alcohol. The
alcohol sensor used in this project is MQ-3 which is very
effective in detecting the presence of alcohol in human breath.
The alcohol sensor is also sensitive
to ammonia, carbon dioxide, alcohol, smoke, nitrogen dioxide, etc. It consists of a tin dioxide sensitive layer
inside aluminum oxide micro tubes, measuring electrode and a heating element
inside a tubular aluminum casing. The front end of the sensor is covered using
a stainless steel net and the rear side holds the connection terminals.
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