Saturday, 22 July 2017


Traffic congestion is a severe problem in many modern cities around the world. It has been causing many critical problems and challenges in the major and most populated cities. To travel to different places within the city is becoming more difficult for the travelers in traffic. Due to these congestion problems, people lose time, miss opportunities, and get frustrated. Traffic congestion directly impacts the companies. Due to traffic congestion there is a loss in productivity from workers, trade opportunities are lost, delivery gets delayed, and thereby the costs goes on increasing. 
The project T junction traffic light system was designed to tackle the traffic congestion issues in the country, so as to establish automatic traffic control. The project was designed using AT89C51 micro-controller which is the brain that initiates the traffic signal at the junctions. The LED’s are automatically on and off by making the corresponding port pin of the micro-controller high.  At a particular instant only one green light holds and other lights hold at red. During transition from green to red, presents the yellow LED and succeeding group yellow LED glows and then succeeding group LED changes to green. This process continues as a cycle. 
 In this design we have implored the use of both hardware and software to bring about the entire project. The hardware components are solely coordinated by the AT89S51 micro-controller chip while the ASM programming language is used to program the chip

For more information on this project, feel free to email Call or whatapp +2348037909203. The report, full schematic circuit diagram and program codes of the project is available on demand. Thanks.

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